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cyber x

Join the next industrial revolution. Transform your simple connected devices into a magnificent, intelligent, secure beast.


Most manufacturing facilities, farms, logistics organizations, and others have already implemented an Industrial Internet of Things or IIoT infrastructure as part of their operations. However, our research found that most of these implementations harness only a fraction of the power the infrastructure can provide. We build on our expansive experience in solutions engineering, implementation, security, and artificial intelligence to help you build your IIoT infrastructure, deploy it, secure it, and provide you with insight. This telemetry empowers your organization to attain a new level of efficiency, revenue generation, and automation.

Our team develops complete solutions that combine various connected devices and sensors into holistic systems that provide our clients with unprecedented insight into their operations under a single secure pane of glass so they can focus on their.

Our key market sectors that we deliver end-to-end IIoT solutions for include:

  1. Industrial: Energy and water processing and production.
  2. Manufacturing: Automotive, bottling, packaging plants, and anything in between.
  3. Agriculture: We take the conventional farming and livestock management and processing and turn it into an efficient, accurate, and sustainable process that increases revenue while saving cost.

Contact us to know how we can tame your processes and bring you a secure, single pane of glass insight into your operations, no matter the scale.


The world is going digital at a breakneck speed. With that, however, comes a slurry of vulnerabilities that organizations invariably expose their businesses to. Most IIoT/IoT devices and sensors have little to no spare computing power, increasing the risk of an attack. While conventional industrial sensors and control systems were traditionally considered closed-loop systems, the new wave of centralized visibility and control requirements essentially dismisses the former scenario. It is also common understanding that closed looped system is no longer as secure as it might have once been.

Securing these systems via conventional IT-based protection measures leaves many opportunities for attackers to infiltrate.

We stand on a solid foundation built through being a leading, world-class cyber security solutions provider which enabled us to build security into the heart of our IoT solutions. We ensure that your organization has visibility over all of its digital assets and ensure that these assets are operating as they should, identifying any malicious behavior early.