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cyber x

Where enterprises can leverage the quantum leaps in technology implementation, securely.

Managed Services

What if you can detect threats before they could cause any damage instead of cleaning up the mess afterward? We make that possible for you by leveraging our technical expertise and service offering to give you a tailored plan that covers multiple networks, devices, endpoints, and infrastructure - all at a cost-effective price point. From email security to an entire managed security service, at Cyber X, we aim to be leaders in the cybersecurity market by employing our decades of experience continually finding ways to help our customers reduce business risk. Our team of professionally certified and highly experienced individuals have made their careers in the field of information security.


Email threats aren't restricted to spam and phishing attempts any more. As they evolve, so must your security imperatives! At Cyber X, we have developed a tailored approach that offers our customers a service that secures their email accounts and communication from intrinsic factors such as unauthorized access and extrinsic factors like malware, trojans, spam, and phishing attempts.

Endpoint detection and response | managed detection and response

Cybercriminals love endpoints because companies tend to ignore them. As endpoints increase, so do vulnerabilities, as every device and network your employees use might not be secure. At Cyber X, our services harness the power of advanced machine learning algorithms with the support of threat hunting to proactively secure endpoints that provide you with a detection and response system that identifies and remediates threats in real-time.


Most cyberattacks don't happen because of your software systems' weakness but rather due to end-user error. Our training modules are tailored and designed to improve your user's cyber awareness so that you can add another layer of security to your business - the human threat detection system. Trained users significantly reduce the chance of a threat vector being successful in your environment. The training will provide useful tools and skills to your end-users. This empowers the end-users to become active members of your security team where they detect threats, follow policies, stay safe from phishing attempts, avoid fraudulent activity, report incidents, and improve your work environment's overall security.


The network is the backbone of your business communication. It connects you and your business to the outside world and ensures a smooth and secure flow of information in and outbound. It also an ideal place for hackers to try and breach your network. At Cyber X, we use the latest next-generation firewall technology and leverage the latest features to enable your business to grow securely and with granular control. Our service-driven by industry-leading and trained experts helps protect your organization’s flow of sensitive information to concentrate on your core business. Let our experts configure, maintain, and modify your business's control plane, ensuring a first-class secure and reliable service that you can count on reliably.


The cost of security is eternal vigilance—and that's what this service is all about. At Cyber X, we have a service built around the live monitoring of all critical components in your environment and infrastructure. This service monitors all events in real-time and correlates them into enhanced information used by our trained experts who provide incident management and response. Monitoring and detection include identifying potential threats, carrying out security analysis, managing incidents better, and improving your IT environment's overall security posture.


Did you know that O365 doesn't back up your data? Data retention is not the same as a full-fledged backup and recovery solution. Thankfully, we do! From mailboxes and folders to OneDrive and Microsoft Teams - we have you covered. It's time to stop being scared of scenarios like business disruptions, hardware failures, and cyberattacks that might result in loss of documents and workloads.