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cyber x

Where enterprises can leverage the quantum leaps in technology implementation, securely.

Security consulting

In the field of cyber and physical security we, at Cyber X, aim to be leaders in the market by employing our decades of experience and deep understanding of both the physical and cyber security worlds. Our team of professionally certified and highly experienced individuals have worked in information security, operational and physical security, project and budget planning, and construction. It is our mission to ensure that secure access to your company’s physical assets, data, personal information, classified records and assets is achieved and that your information assets are not compromised.

Information Security – Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing

At Cyber X we have developed a tailored approach to vulnerability assessment and penetration testing which is built on the industry best practices and guidelines such as OWASP, NSA, SANS to name a few, coupled with our years of experience and human skillset and expertise to form a methodology and strategy rivalling the best in the business.

Throughout the process our experience and skill set enable our team to perform routine VAPT tasks with minimal disruption while meeting the set objectives and outcomes set by management. VAPT is multi-faceted and can be tailored to the specific client/project needs. VAPT can cover external network (public) access, internal vulnerability identification for networks, operating systems, applications and databases to name a few.

Physical Security – Assessment Services

Coming from a solid background and extensive security experience, our team delivers tailored, concise, and effective consulting services that drill into the core of the enterprise's security aspirations, risk profile, existing facilities' security posture, and operational security policies and procedures.

Our portfolio includes the following key services:

  1. Risk Assessment and Threat Analysis
  2. Design Gap Assessment & Review
  3. Security Survey
  4. Physical Security Penetration Testing
  5. Operational Security Assessment

Security Road Mapping

Technology and subsequent information security are a rapidly changing landscape with new threats appearing daily. Cyber X will assess the existing security measures in place, analyze the gap by putting the available mitigation measures against the threat plane, and then provide a high-level roadmap which will look at suggested infrastructure investments to increase the efficiency of the information security posture in place. The roadmap will also provide the suggested prioritization and rough cost estimates for each element.

The infrastructure roadmap addresses the known threats today and trends moving forward. Recommendations are then made based on the desired security objectives and requirements of the organization.